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Child protection training in Scotland

As the UK's leading child protection charity, we understand the child protection issues that people working with children and organisations can face. 

Our training and consultancy team works with a wide range of organisations across all sectors in Scotland.

We provide online, face-to-face and live virtual training based on Getting it Right for every child (GIRFEC) principles to help you to improve policies, standards and practice to keep children safe1.


See our Child protection system for Scotland page for current legislation and guidance.
Training to help you keep children safe

Introduction to child protection

Learn how to identify the signs and indicators of child abuse and neglect, respond to them and report your concerns. This introductory CPD-certified course is available as a 3-hour online course. 

Designated child protection lead (DCPL) in Scotland

Face-to-face training for anyone responsible for receiving concerns about the safety and welfare of children and young people. Two-day course taught by experienced professionals.

Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Practice Skills

We've worked with the University of Stirling to devise a new post-qualifying course focusing on practice skills for experienced child protection practitioners. Find out more on the University of Stirling website.

Elearning courses for Scotland

We have a range of online courses covering topics such as online safety, harmful sexual behaviour and sharing nude images, as well as training for school governors and charity trustees.

Consultancy to help you keep children safe

Our expert consultants can help you review your policy and procedures, give advice on specific challenges or create and facilitate training programmes for your team. Find out more

Consultancy to help you keep children safe

Our expert consultants can help you review your policy and procedures, give advice on specific challenges or create and facilitate training programmes for your team. Find out more